Susan Crane Posted on October 26th, 2016 by

Photo of Susan CraneWhen I graduated two years ago with a degree in Classics and Russian Studies, I didn’t know that I would end up in the north of Moldova, teaching English as a Peace Corps volunteer. A year after graduation, I arrived in Moldova, a bilingual country that spoke Romanian and Russian. Studying ancient languages made it far easier to pick up on two languages at once. Also, it was necessary to understand how language and culture intersected to ease into Moldovan society and work with small communities whose daily lives were intrinsically tied into a careful balance of both. In college, I learned how to examine the opinions and authority of others, while at the same time understanding how boundaries strengthen and constrain us in equal measures. My work consists of more learning than teaching, but my goal is to help students see how they can critically study the world around them in a way that will improve their communities. My decision to serve with the Peace Corps is framed by what I learned studying Classics.


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